Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Daily War Score!

Al Qaeda Still Missing
Iraq still fighting for repression,
Iran is getting the Nuclear Option,
And, Rove is still free after committing treason.
And it only took the little wimp 4 years since 9-11 to accomplish all this!,

Democracy is out, freedom is out, but Self Determination may carry the day!

Iraq is struggling toward an Islamic Republic now, and that is really self determination for the Iraqi’s who are in power. I say struggling, because the militias, the Army, and the Ministry of the Interior are apparently involved in a 3 or 4 cornered war this week. The story involves at least 2 militias, the National Police, the National Army, the Interior Ministry, and at least one group of Freedom Riders, er, ummm, I mean Sunni Political Activists registering voters.

An interesting line in this article regards “the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), a key element of the coalition government.” Apparently, the Interior Minister is a leader of this council, and the Interior Ministry controls Police Commandos whose orders originate from the Minister.

Chairman Mao said that change comes from the barrel of a gun. In Iraq, everyone has guns, except the women, who have nothing but sorrow and children (occasionally dead children, whom the US media ignore).

And look at the latest about the Iraq Constitution (this from the LA Times):

The draft constitution makes Islam the "official religion" of Iraq and "a main source" of law rather than "the" source, as many Shiite conservatives sought. But secularists remain concerned about a clause that prohibits any law that "contradicts the undisputed rules of Islam."

Critics fear the provision could be used by religious hard-liners to impose a strict version of Islamic law, such as banning alcohol, restricting women's rights and imposing harsh Koranic punishments such as stoning.

"The problem is that there are no agreements on these questions," said Peter W. Galbraith, a former U.S. ambassador to Croatia who advised Kurdish politicians on the constitution. "It allows any cleric to make his own interpretation of the law and opens the door to a whole range of abuses."

Galbraith said the draft fell well short of the sort of democratic government the Bush administration hoped to install in Iraq. "The U.S. now has to recognize that they overthrew Hussein to replace him with a pro-Iranian state," he said.