Moxiegrrrl has the only blog I’ve seen that notes the OBSCENITY of a Christian Minister calling for the assassination of a Head of State. But perhaps no one noticed this because to call Pat Robertson a Christian is an obscenity in itself.
Excuse me, that sound you heard was the collective vomiting of the Christian Left, both of them.
The loudest Christian response to this was from a Texas Minister who is only concerned that missionaries in Venezuela might get hurt over this comment.
Did you know that if we called for the assassination of Pat Robertson, we would be guilty of conspiracy to commit murder? But he can call for this because he’s asking the Federal Government to do it, and he thinks that if the US Army does the deed, then it won’t be murder, and therefore, Q.E.D., The Reverend cannot be charged.
Well, it is illegal for any member of the US Federal Government to engage in assassination, and the crime, if committed, is that of murder (And interestingly enough, we can thank Gerry Ford for this little law). But it may not be a conspiracy to commit murder if you ask the government to do it for you.
The news (Yahoo, LA Times, etc), notes that Robertson still “retains a huge following and occupies a revered position within a key GOP constituency.”
The White House only noted that this call for an illegal murder was the opinion of a private citizen.
Time for Action, Boyz’NGrrrlz: What if we take out Freeway Blogs, Advertisements, Blog Headlines, Etc., that ask Presidente Chavez to please have his Special Forces Personnel target The Reverend Pat Robertson? Before we do, we might want to get a reply from a lawyer to see if we can do this legally.
So, if it is illegal to ask a foreign president to commit murder, can we then get Robertson charged with conspiracy, incitement, or some such here? If anyone knows a federal or local DA with the balls to charge him, let us know and we’ll help publicize it.
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