Setting this up is not the easiest thing I've ever done!
But we hope it will be worth it!
It is time to take back our country AND our Bill Of Rights from religious fanatics and right wing nuts!
The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home. -President James Madison
We need not fear the expression of ideas; we do need to fear their suppression. -President Harry Truman
The response to the right, the defense of the Bill of Rights, and the campaign to counter the dogmatic religious attacks on our freedoms must start somewhere.
Does anyone out there feel enraged at the passage of the Patriot Act? How about feeling angry that we are implementing Nazi and Soviet Gulag Policies as part of the law of the land? How about letting religious bigots run our courts, our military, our legislatures, and our schools?
The USA seems to be at war.
Individuals who act in such an apolitical, and amoral, fashion as the current US leadership, are known as psychopaths and sociopaths .
We need to identify and then neutralize psychopathic policy, and remove the sociopathic elite from power.
The neocon’s in the white house, and the Nazi’s at homeland security, need to worry that we recognize them as such, and are targeting them and their policies for removal.
Is this too strong? Do we need to tone down the rhetoric?
The religious bigots who set policy for this administration are not restrained by any need to soften their rhetoric, or their agenda.
I think it is time that the democratic center, the left, and the far left started planning political strategy together to effect the removal of this anti-American cancer from power.
Combat Philosophy means that this is not just a rant, it is an attempt to portray the pro-American ideals of the Constitution and the Founding Fathers as the property of ALL Americans.
The philosophy of the democratic center, and of the left, needs to have specific rules of engagement.
Debate needs to be seen as carrying an attack to the enemy.
The press needs to be used as a tool of engagement, not as a "partner." And we need to learn that the press is not liberal, not conservative, but is controlled by the power elite as much as possible. CNN is not out to change the world or expose the wrongs of despots or the sufferings of the war-ravaged. CNN is out to make a profit for their owners!
I have seen hundreds of people from Asia (in Hong Kong, and Singapore, and Tokyo), change their travel plans so as to avoid the USA; not because of terrorism, but because of the excesses of Homeland Security.
After the election last year, it became painfully clear that the left was not engaging the right at all, not with rhetoric, not with support, and not in the media.
It's time to change tactics. We need a philosophy of engagement which gives no quarter, and is as ruthless as necessary in achieving our objectives
Is this wrong? Is it too strong? If you agree, let me know. If you disagree, get articulate and propose some other solution.
Let's get moving, people, 2008 is almost here.